A Story from
Andreas Jung &
Tim Meyer-König:
"No Fullthrottle-Dives!!!"
In the flight instructions, Andy Clancy warns you, never to make dives with the
throttle fully opened. First we thought, this was a little bit exagerrated, but
meanwhile we have made our own experiences and we know, that you better
watch out, doing steep and fast dives. Andreas once flew around with 10 cells
in his battery, when a funny mood got a hold of him: He startet doing weird stunts
and in the midth of this, he made the fullthrottledive. The rubber bands, holding
the wing to the fuselage did not like this and suddenly started to bend, so the
angle of attack changed rapidley. Even we heared the breaking of the wingribs,
but luckily the Bee did not disassemble itself in the air. The results of the crash
can be seen in the pictures below. Hints for stiffening the wing can be
seen in our