Welcome to the Technical Webpage of the International Lazy Bee Homepage!
Here you can find some useful information about the technics of the Lazy Bee.

If you are interested in publishing the technical data of your Lazy Bee,
just download this form and send it back to us!

Lazy Bee from Tim Meyer-König


Wingspan:big wing
How is your wing attached to the fuselage ?   rubbers
Do you have a removable tailfeather ?yes
Any specialities of the construction ?see building hints on this site
Sort of covering:Oracover standard
Sort of wheels:cheap nonames
Do you have a tailwheel ?yes
Do you have floats ?yes, see this homepage
Battery-change / Fuel-supply via:doors
Weight - land:1150 g
Weight - sea:1300 g


Engine/motor:Speed 600
Prop:8 x 4
Power-control:Contronic "easy 3000"
Batteries type & number:8 cells, Sanyo KR-1400AE
Electric full-throttle current [A]:   8 A
Flighttime [min]:~10min

Radio Control

Name of your Radio Control:   STAR 12 (Simprop)
Receiver (# of channels, etc.):   STAR 8, 4 Chanels
# of Servos:2 Volz-servos
Ruder steering by:carbon pushrods
Battery charger:Spectra


I never had more fun with a model airplane!
She can carry 300 g of payload, great for aerial photography!

Lazy Bee from Hans Hoffmann


Wingspan:119cm, because of the length
of my buildingboard
How is your wing attached to the fuselage ?   rubbers
Do you have a removable tailfeather ?yes
Any specialities of the construction ?slightly modifided fuselage-construction
Sort of covering:Ecospan from Graupner (Litespan)
Sort of wheels:90mm Trexlers
Do you have a tailwheel ?no, only a simple tailskid
Do you have floats ?yes, see the Videos: A pair of Tims floats
(have a look at our downloadpage)
and a pair of the Wingo-Floats from Conzelmann
Battery-change / Fuel-supply via:doors
Weight - land:1010 g
Weight - sea:1150 g


Engine/motor:Speed 500race 7,2V from Graupner
Gear:3:1 Master Airscrew
Prop:10,5 x 6 Aeronaut
Power-control:Schulze slim-25be
Batteries type & number:7 cells Sanyo SCRL 1250 (43g cells)
Electric full-throttle current [A]:   13 A
Flighttime [min]:~6min at full throttle

Radio Control

Name of your Radio Control:   Multiplex Pico-line
Receiver (# of channels, etc.):   Multiplex Micro 5/7
# of Servos:2 servos Graupner C341
Ruder steering by:plastik-pushrods in plastik-housings
Battery charger:robbe POWER PEAK 5


I recommend to try waterflying!
Specially with the Bee it is a superfun that hardly can be surpassed!

Lazy Bee from Toby Gaumann


Wingspan:Extended Wing
How is your wing attached to the fuselage ?   rubbers
Do you have a removable tailfeather ?no
Any specialities of the construction ?All spruce spars, all ribs cap stripped on the top
Sort of covering:Ozcover Clear
Sort of wheels:Light Foam wheels
Do you have a tailwheel ?no
Do you have floats ?no, not yet
Battery-change / Fuel-supply via:doors
Weight - land:1150 g
Weight - sea:-


Engine/motor:Speed 600
Gear:3:1 Master Airscrew
Prop:11x8 Folding
Power-control:LRP Indy 200 (Will be replaced with lighter unit soon)
Batteries type & number:7 cell, Sanyo Cadnica 1700 SCR,
but flies well on 6 cell packs
Electric full-throttle current [A]:   -
Flighttime [min]:~10min

Radio Control

Name of your Radio Control:   Focus 6 (Hitec)
Receiver (# of channels, etc.):   JR R700 7 channel
# of Servos:2 Hitec Mighty Micro servos
Ruder steering by:Piano wire
Battery charger:Powertech Delta Peak charger


Bees are great fun, and I cant wait to do aerial photography!
My bee can fly for about 10~15 mins, and still with a good rate of climb even after 10 mins!
I recommend a gearbox, as direct drive is really sluggish.

Lazy Bee from Eduard Engel


Wingspan:standard, 101.6cm
Fuselage-length:standard, from spinner to tail approx. 85cm
How is your wing attached to the fuselage ?   rubbers
Do you have a removable tailfeather ?no
Any specialities of the construction ?5 years old and many parts missing, very flexible now,
I'm using my second wing and third engine on this Bee.
Sort of covering:Litespan
Sort of wheels:90mm Trexlers
Do you have a tailwheel ?yes
Do you have floats ?yes
Battery-change / Fuel-supply via:tank 60cc
Weight - land:started at 980 grms now 1100 grms
Weight - sea:150grms more then without, after sinking 4 kg's :-)


Engine/motor:O.S. FP.10 (1.7cc)
Prop:Graupner 7 x 4
Flighttime [min]:~10min at full throttle

Radio Control

Name of your Radio Control:   Multiplex
Receiver (# of channels, etc.):   8
# of Servos:3 standard type multiplex ms11
Ruder steering by:pushrods made of wood and metal
Battery charger:no need for...


My Bee is 5 years old now, she's dirty,
completely cracked on every part, but will still fly as new and won't come down.
This Bee is still the best modelplane in my collection

visit my site http://home.wanadoo.nl/lazybee